Five Strategies to Refresh Your Relationship

5 Steps To Refresh Your Relationship

Remember the early days in your relationship…the joy, the excitement, the longing to be together? Yet over time, life can take over, and the fire that fuels your relationship can wane and nearly go out. This is the perfect time to get back on track! Don’t go into the new year with the old.

Here are five things to do to refresh your relationship.

  1. Start by completing the free Porsha Principles Online Assessment to quickly identify what areas in your relationship needs refreshing.

  2. Practice the three S’s to intimacy. (From Principle 2: Cultivate Intimacy….on deeper levels.)

    • Share something with your partner they are unaware of about you.

    • Seek your partner out to connect with them mentally or physically.

    • Support your partner in an area you know they need you.

  1. Create a shortened version of our 14-Day Lift Your Partner Challenge by choosing a day to do three things special for one another to lift each other up to the fullest. (From Principle 3: Lift Your Partner…every day.)

  1. Identify together the fire starters that cause friction and frustration between you. Make a commitment to eliminate them completely for two weeks. This will help you make a hard stop with interacting in a way that hurts one another, and it will make a pathway for creating new loving ways of connecting. (From Principle 5: Avoid the Fire starters… they can ignite a blaze.)

  1. Put your partner first over something else important to you. Make time for that “thing” they’ve been wanting to do with you by blocking off the time on your calendar. (From Principle 8: Protect, Profess and Prioritize Your relationship… with your thoughts words and actions.)

Free resources are available to help you refresh your relationship at Consider our half-day, live, virtual Relationship Refresher, coming up in January and on sale through the end of the month.

Living your lifelong honeymoon is achievable if both partners are consistently willing to practice core strategies like these. Get the relationship you deserve!

Take the Next Step…

These strategies are pulled from the over 60 strategies included in The Porsha Principles. Through my workshops, videos, and books, let me show you and your partner a comprehensive approach for loving and fulfilling relationships that you can start using today to lay the foundation for YOUR lifelong honeymoon.

My Video Series is designed to give you and your partner a step-by-step guide for managing differences and creating and sustaining your lifelong honeymoon.

Porsha Signature

Porsha Jones is the founder of the Porsha Principles organization and author of The Porsha Principles: A Practical Guide for Creating and Sustaining Your Lifelong Honeymoon. Though no longer in private practice, Porsha is a licensed family and marriage therapist with over 10,000 hours helping her clients address some of the toughest relationship challenges including infidelity and couples in crisis. Through her books, videos, workshops, and retreats, she has made her insights and strategies available to anyone who truly desires to do the work involved in creating highly satisfying and enjoyable relationships.

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