Give the Gift of Gratitude to Your Partner

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to gift your partner with gratitude. We hear this word gratitude tossed around a lot especially during the holiday season. It’s a powerful word, but what makes it most powerful is the actions behind it.
According to the Oxford Languages, the definition of gratitude is: “The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” Practicing gratitude is strongly associated with overall greater happiness, better health, and better relationships.
Porsha Principle 3, Lift Your Partner…Everyday, can help easily guide couples in gifting their partner with gratitude during this Thanksgiving holiday. It is essential for your lifelong honeymoon that you lift your partner everyday by learning to love them the way they want to be loved. It’s the small, daily acts of thoughtfulness and attention that breed intimacy and friendship. And during the holiday season, these daily acts are especially important to build intimacy and stir the fires of passion.
However, lifting your partner can be challenging in any season if their love language is different from yours. So, what are strategies you might use? Here are just a few strategies for showing love to your partner.
Know Your Partner’s Love Language
First, you must know your partner’s love language. The quickest way to do this is by asking your partner what I call The Magic Love Language Question adapted from Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages: “What’s the one thing I could do that would make you feel more loved by me?”
Take Action
But just knowing your partners love language is not enough. It is important to express your love in multiple ways according to your partner’s love language. Here’s some examples of how to do just that!
If your partners love language is…
Words of affirmation
Show gratitude by leaving little notes of compliments for your partner daily during this holiday season.
Vocalize positive thoughts and feelings about your partner in their presence and in the presence of others.
Write a love letter or poem to your partner about how thankful you are for them.
Acts of service
Ask your partner to create a list of things that they would love for you to do to help prepare for Thanksgiving.
Show gratitude by giving a helping hand in the kitchen.
When you see your partner has a need, don’t wait until they ask for help, instead initiate helping them.
Receiving Gifts
Get creative and give your partner a coupon book full of gifts (e.g., electronic device, necklace, pair of shoes) that they can redeem over the holiday season.
Show gratitude by gifting your partner with one of their favorite things (remember the small things).
Instead of a coupon book of gifts, make the coupons various personal actions such as “good for an evening out,” “good for a foot massage, “or“ good for taking care of a chore.”
Quality time
Show gratitude to your partner by letting them know you want to spend time with them; discuss the top 5 things you like to do as a couple and make plans to do at least one or two of them during the holiday season.
Carve out daily “sacred space” for 30 minutes to give your partner your undivided attention especially amid the chaos the holiday season can bring.
Plan a middle-of-the-day lunch date.
Physical touch
Show gratitude by greeting your partner with hugs and kisses regularly during the holidays.
At random times when you are together reach out and stroke/caress your partner.
Plan a sexy evening for your partner.